Friday, June 8, 2007

Is it Just Me?

Or am I completely out of it when it comes to pop culture and the latest online trends these days? Goldyworld's post last week about emos and the lively discussion that ensued via the Comments section made me realize that, in a cyberworld of MySpace, Your Scene, My Yearbook, etc.,:

1) I am old
2) I am tragically unhip (wasn't that a band from the '80s? -- to wit, see point #1)

Until I read Goldy's post, I had never heard of the term emo. Upon reading the discussion, complete with visual images, I was shocked to discover that I once was what is today referred to as a "prehistoric emo" (again, see point #1).

I really must be behind the times. After all, I only started my blog a month ago, a few years after the blogging phenomen captivated the online community. And while we're on the subject of blogs, what is this meme thingy that I keep reading about on other peoples' blogs? Or is it a MeMe? And what is this blog game of tag that people are playing? AND WHY HASN'T ANYBODY TAGGED ME? I might as well join MySpace, post the most depressing picture of myself that I can find (one where I look completely disaffected, and possibly homicidal), and start sending out messages to other members that read "Nowhere Girl wants to be your friend."


Anonymous said...

Know that:

1) I really didn't understand emo either
2) And my next meme comes right at you

Nowhere Girl said...

Thanks! But I still don't know what a meme is! - Is it one of those lists, like 5 things that make happy, that sort of thing?

Anonymous said...

A meme is a thing posted to the internet that takes on a life of its own. An idea, a picture, a phrase, a new way of spelling, etc. They multiply and mutate and spread everywhere. Look here: Meme Central

And I would be happy to tag you, but I still haven't figured that out yet . . .

Nowhere Girl said...

Ah. Now I get it. Thanks for the info and the link!