Thursday, July 5, 2007

Doctor Woo-Hoo!

Tomorrow night is the much anticipated (by me, anyway) American television premiere of the third season of Dr. Who. I must stress that I am not usually a Dr. Who fan, but ever since they brought it back, and especially when David Tennant took over the role from Christopher Eccleston, I have become addicted. But I bet Dr. Who has many new fans of the female persuasion because of David Tennant. Of course, the entire third season has already been shown in Britain, which means that I sort of know what happens in the end because I've been reading blogs of British fans like Project 76 and Struggling Author. But that's okay. As long as I get to watch David Tennant for an hour, I'm happy.

Tomorrow's debut is a double feature. It starts with last year's Christmas special, The Runaway Bride. I haven't even seen it yet and recent Dr. Who news in Britain is already revealing that this year's Christmas special's guest star is Kylie Minogue. Will Kylie and the Doctor fall in love? She should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky.... But I can't wait to see The Runaway Bride. I've been waiting since last Christmas, when I followed the official Dr. Who BBC website and downloaded photos of the dishy doctor and comedienne Catherine Tate. It's nice to see a (fellow) big-boned, redheaded woman as the Doctor's companion, albeit temporary. The double feature continues with the first proper episode of the season, "Smith and Jones," where the Doctor meets his newest companion, Martha Jones. Martha looks cooler than the Doctor's previous companion, Rose Tyler. Not that I didn't like Rose, Martha just looks like she could kick more ass.

It will be nice to have this distraction tomorrow night, as I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon, and I'll need something to relax and unwind to in the evening. I've got an interview for the manager position of the local tea shop in town. I love going there as a customer, and it would be like a little bit of heaven to have a short commute to a job I genuinely enjoy. So fingers crossed.

Hmm, Dr. Who and Tea, two uniquely British things. Maybe these two worlds colliding on the same day could be a good omen of a successful interview?


Anonymous said...

The brought Dr. Who back? Man I am out of it. The last time I saw that show I think I was ten.

Nowhere Girl said...

Yeah, they brought it back a couple of years ago. The production values are much better now, although the aliens are still pretty cheesy. The newest season is on the SciFi channel on Friday nights, and BBC America is showing the first season.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the sad thing is how late they are.

Of course, Torchwood is also supposed to be starting on BBCA at some point as well.

However, why wait?

You can get through series 2 and 3 in no time. If Bit-Torrent is not your cup of tea, then by all means:

Hit up TV Links. They have a fair amount of series 3. I got tired of waiting for America to catch up. =)

Nowhere Girl said...

Thanks for the links. Yes, I'm looking forward to Torchwood as well. But my computer connection is so slow (I'm one of the few people left who still uses dial-up), that I'm afraid I won't be able to get through the episodes online.